Welcome to the JBLE-Fort Eustis iSportsman Portal! If you are new to the installation or a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, please take a look around as this portal has changed significantly since last season.  All information pertaining to the Hunting, Fishing, and Boating Programs can be found on this portal in the blue banner above! Please visit our "Upcoming Events" tab (below) for the most recent changes and events at JBLE-Fort Eustis.

2024-2025 Permits: Permits are now available for purchase, these permits will not be good for 365 days from the date of purchase. All hunting season dates still apply.

HANDICAP HUNTERS: Please contact the Wildlife Biologist for guidance on joining the handicap hunting program, 757-952-5204

HUNTER SOCIAL: We will be hosting a hunter potluck social on 12 October 2024, between the hours of 1130 and 1300. Location: Hunt Shack B3307. This is a great time for the hunting community at Fort Eustis to get together, share tips and tricks to newcomers, and enjoy some good food. Those that would like to bring food, drinks, etc please let the Wildlife Biologist know, 757-952-5204.

WORK PARTY: Next work party is TBD. Please check back frequently for updates.

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: BASS TOURNAMENT IS RESCHEDULED FOR 19 OCT 2024. Those that already have the permit will have first dibs on open slots for the tournament. Please let the wildlife biologist know if you have any questions or concerns, Joe Gentry 757-952-5204 or 757-878-2829

JBLE I 32-102 Interim Suspension Appeal Process.
Effective Immediately: iSportsman privilege suspension appeals will be in writing to 733d CES Director within 2 weeks of the completion of an investigation.
Participants who have committed, or are suspected of having committed, a violation of JBLE I 32-102 will be placed on administrative checkin hold once a Notice of Violation and Administrative Action (NOVAA) has been issued and remain on hold for the duration of the investigation. A written appeal including the date, time, location, description of the incident, and reason for the appeal must be received by the 633d CES Director within two (2) weeks of the investigation report being finalized by United States Fish and Wildlife Officers (FWO).  Penalties associated with JBLE I 32-102 are described in Appendix A of the document and can be found within the iSportsman Regulations page. Further questions or concerns should be directed to the Wildlife Biologist.

ATTENTION NEW HUNTERS: Please be sure to contact the wildlife biologist(757-952-5204) if you have any questions or concerns about hunting on Fort Eustis, that you can not find the answer to on iSportsman. If you can not get a hold of the wildlife biologist you can try contacting one of our Conservation Law Enforcement Officers (Officer Baird 279-842-2844), Ben Buzard (deer hunting sportsman council member 757-927-2971), or Bill Whitley (general public sportsman council member 757-876-3794). We are all available to help make sure you are in compliance with JBLE 32-102 Hunting, Fishing, and Boating Regulations and Penalties as well as answer any questions you might have.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Alert! IAW JBLE I 32-102, If you see soldiers in a hunting area...
1) Make your weapon safe
2) Make yourself known
3) Safely exit the hunting area and checkin to a different hunting area.  

JBLE 32-102 Regulations and Penalties: The Hunting, Fishing, and Boating Regulations and Penalties can be found by going to the Home Page->Regulations->JBLE 32-102 Hunting, Fishing, and Boating Regulations and Penalties. Please get familiar with this document, if you have any questions please contact the 733 CES Staff or one of our Conservation Law Enforcement Officers. 

New For 2024: For the use of the archery range for recreational use, you must first purchase an Archery Range Permit, the cost will be $5. This will be made available for purchase on 1 Jan 2024. You will now have to sign in each time through iSportsman to use the archery range. Please note you DO NOT have to purchase this permit if you only plan on using the archery range during archery qualifications for the management lottery hunts. Money received through this new permit will be used to purchase new targets and upkeep of the range. Thank you.


Click here for Upcoming Events

The link above has directions for reporting UXO that have been found.

JBLE Wildlife Violation Reporting
Click on the link above to report any incident or Wildlife Violation.